Saturday, June 21, 2008

The Battle

Author: Eric
Location: New Jersey

"The Battle"

Director: Mike Nichols
Screenplay: Matt Damon and Ben Affleck
Music: Howard Shore

Principal Cast:

Meredith: Sigourney Weaver
Eddy: Emilie Hirsch
Mitchell: Casey Affleck
Jerald: Matt Damon Anthony: Ben Affleck
Harry: Dustin Hoffman
Dr. Rezone: Gary Sinise

Tagline: "One's Battle turns into everyone's battle"

Synopsis: The Battle is the story of a family's struggle with sickness. Sigourney Weaver plays the mother of the family who is diagnosed with breast cancer and the movie follows how each family member deals with it through the bad and even worse times.

What the press would say:

4 stars. The writers of Good Will Hunting and the incredible Imaginary Hero duo back putting together one of the best performances ever. Gary Sinise and Dustin Hoffman sign on as well with amazing supporting roles. Can you say Oscar-quality?

Oscar nods
Best Picture
Best Actress: Sigourney Weaver
Best Supporting Actor: Gary Sinise
Best Supporting Actor: Dustin Hoffman
Best Director: Mike Nicholas
Best Original Screenplay: Matt Damon and Ben Affleck

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